Fact-Checking Policy

Last Updated: November 27,2023

Welcome to TarikhTimes.com! We take pride in delivering accurate and reliable information to our readers. Here’s our commitment to fact-checking:

1. Accuracy First

Our primary goal is to provide accurate information. We strive to verify the facts presented in our content to the best of our ability before publication.

2. Sources Matter

We rely on credible sources when gathering information. Our team is committed to using reputable and authoritative sources to ensure the reliability of the content we present.

3. Editorial Oversight

Our editorial team is responsible for overseeing the fact-checking process. They are trained to assess the credibility of information and take corrective measures if inaccuracies are identified.

4. Timely Corrections

If errors are discovered after publication, we are committed to correcting them promptly. Corrections will be clearly communicated to our readers, and the corrected information will be accurately represented.

5. Transparent Attribution

We will always attribute information to its original source, giving due credit to the creators and acknowledging the origin of the information. When presenting opinions or interpretations, we will make it clear that they are subjective viewpoints.

6. User Involvement

We encourage our users to bring any potential inaccuracies or concerns to our attention. If you believe there is an error in our content, please contact us at [your contact information], and we will investigate promptly.

7. Fact-Checking Standards

Our fact-checking process adheres to industry standards and best practices. We are committed to continuously improving our fact-checking methods and staying informed about evolving standards in journalism.

8. Independence

Our fact-checking process is independent of external influences. We do not allow advertisers, sponsors, or any external parties to compromise the accuracy or objectivity of our content.

9. Educating Our Team

We invest in ongoing training for our team members to enhance their fact-checking skills and keep them updated on the latest developments in information verification.

10. Accountability

We take full responsibility for the accuracy of our content. If you have any concerns or questions about the accuracy of our information, please reach out to us at debjyothibiswas@gmail.com.

Thank you for trusting TarikhTimes.com as a reliable source of information.